Monday, March 29, 2010


Hello! My name is Cameron, an 18 year old living in the town of Port Orchard, Washington. Recently, I acquired the book, “1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die”, which has been praised as the quintessential guide to movie-based enlightenment. This subject matter intrigues me, as I am very involved with the production of films myself and have taken video production classes for several years now.

However, when I actually looked at the list, I was slightly dismayed. Of the 1001 (1067, with the supplementary addition), I had seen less than 100 of them! Unforgiveable! As someone who is strongly considering a career in communications (possibly film-making), this lack of movie-watching makes me feel highly uneducated and slightly hypocritical. Surely, if I plan on devoting my life to a field of art, I should probably make sure I know the foundation on which that medium rests. I also decided that it would be a waste to embark on such an ambitious task without documenting it. Thus I figured I would create a blog, giving a brief summary of my thoughts upon completing each film, while simultaneously reflecting upon it and researching WHY that movie deserved to be on the list.

And so, here we go. With the help of Netflix and some friends to watch alongside with, I am off on my quest to become cultured. While the name of the book is “1001 Movies”, I intend to complete the supplementary additions, which adds on several dozen movies from the past 5 years or so since the first version came out. This brings the grand total to 1067. I will be watching the list in chronological order, starting in 1902 (yikes) to today. And yes, I will re-watch any movie on the list I’ve already seen, just for the hell of it. I don’t expect many people, if any to actually read this blog, but I am making it available anyway. The blog is really just an archive of the trip. However, if you do read these entries, I hope I turn someone on to a movie they might otherwise never have even heard of. If I do that, well, then I will have successfully paid my tribute to the greatest art form of the 20th century. Enjoy.


  1. Dude we are going to rock these movies IN THE FACE,

    BTW it's Jack

  2. You watch them....and post....I will read and learn and be very interested to see how long it takes you. By the way, do you plan on going to school (finishing high school and going to college) and having a girl friend....or any other interest in your life???? Good LUCK and have fun!!! Guess who this is? :)

  3. honestly have no idea who that is^. but good to know I have an audience :)

    and yes, i'm fully aware that unless i dedicate every waking moent to this (which I will not be, this overall journey will take me around 3 years to complete.

  4. hi there, i'm a random person you don't know, just stopping by to say that i'm really enjoying your reviews. keep it up!
